Gas Appliances

Looking at natural gas devices could be a way to save money at the same time as experiencing higher levels of comfort, convenience and efficiency.

There is a plentiful supply of shale gas in the US resulting in low, stable equivalent prices, and gas is viewed as the least polluting non-renewable energy source, therefore, it can be viewed as the greener option.

If you already have gas installed at home, or are buying a new dwelling you should think about the likely gains of switching to natural gas and gas appliances.

Find more information about gas appliances here from L&C Virginia Beach Appliance Repair:

What are Natural Gas Home Appliances?

A natural gas appliance uses natural gas as the dominant fuel source. These appliances offer a workable alternative to electrically powered appliances for heating your home, heating water, cooking your food and even cooling your home and tumble drying.

In the majority of situations natural gas home appliances nonetheless require an electrical outlet but use natural gas as the major source of power. The amount of electricity needed will vary from appliance to appliance. For example, a gas boiler will provide hot water even during a power cut, whereas a gas tumble dryer still relies upon electricity.

A List of Devices That Operate Using Natural Gas.

Gas could have any number of purposes in your home.

Keeping You Warm

Heating your home with natural gas is generally less expensive than keeping warm using electrical appliances. Your expenditure could halve subject to your fuel prices and efficiency.

Gas provides higher air temperatures and offers better reliability.This is due to gas lines being better protected than power lines.


As well as keeping your home warm gas is ideal for a fireplace. With a natural gas fire, you still get real flames and a warm home without the mess.

Keeping Cool

Gas air conditioning can offer an effective way to keep cool.

Gas fueled air conditioning requires a higher initial investment but is cheaper on an ongoing basis meaning lower prices in the long term. Higher efficiency has the added positive impact of cutting your carbon footprint.

Heating Water

There are two styles of natural gas water boilers, on demand and tank. Gas heaters are more rapid and more efficient than their electric substitutes. Tankless water heaters also give a continuous supply even with high demand. Handy if you have a big household that indulges in long showers.

The fact that gas lines are almost always underground and guarded from the weather ensures you will still have hot water even when you don’t have electricity.


We’ve all encountered the phrase “cooking with gas”. A great advertising line designed to link the use of natural gas to effectiveness and efficiency.

Clever marketing or not the saying has stuck around because it is valid. Most chefs choose natural gas for the fact that they can vary the size of the flame, and natural gas stoves also offer a less wasteful way of converting fuel into heat.

Clothes Dryers

Natural gas might not be the immediate thing you think of when it comes to laundry, however, natural gas tumble dryers have many advantages. They dry clothes a few degrees hotter thus drying clothes in less time and clothes have to endure less tumbling.

Outdoor Living

Did you know you don’t just have to use gas inside your home? When it comes to outdoor living, natural gas is a popular choice for patio lights and food prep and can even be used to heat your spa.

delight guests before they even get out of the car with outdoor lighting, keep them warm even when the temperature falls and get dinner ready outside at the perfect temperature, whenever you are ready, and without the worry of remembering to fill up your gas bottles.

Just like indoor water heaters a pool or spa heater will heat the water twice as fast as an electric equivalent. And natural gas fire pits offer ambiance as well as providing warmth for luxurious indoor-outdoor entertaining.

Pros of Gas Home Appliances

As with anything there are pros and cons to gas devices. Here are some of the advantages of choosing Natural Gas.

  • Choosing natural gas will save you money on your utility bills.
  • Gas home appliances tend to use less energy making them better for your wallet and for the environment.
  • Natural gas is an eco-friendly selection as it is viewed as the least polluting of the fossil fuels, emitting around 27% less carbon dioxide than oil and 45% less carbon dioxide than coal.
  • Natural gas supplies are generally more reliable and less susceptible to damage or interruption This means you can continue to heat your home even if you get a power outage.At worst you might need to find a match.

Negatives of Gas Appliances

  • Gas devices usually have a higher initial investment. Both the cost of the appliance and the cost to install are likely to be higher for a gas appliance when looking at next to electrical appliances.
  • Installing a new gas line can be costly. The cost will vary depending on how close the nearest supply is to your home.
  • Moving or extending a gas line can also be expensive so this should always be added to any cost comparisons.
  • Safety comes first and carbon monoxide can be an issue if natural gas appliances are not properly installed or regularly maintained. Installing a carbon monoxide alarm is a must is you use natural gas in your home.

Is a Natural Gas Appliance The Right Choice for You?

Making the decision between natural gas and electricity is not always simple and the best choice for you probably won’t be the optimal choice for everyone.

Currently natural gas is almost always less expensive than electricity, so if the cost is your main driver this can be a big part of the decision-making process. However, while studies show that three-quarters of new home buyers are choosing to have natural gas, converting to gas comes at a cost. Thus, finding out how much a new gas line would cost if you don’t already have one is a good first step.

Another key advantage of gas is that you are less likely to get interruptions in supply. If power failures happen often where you live then being able to heat water, heat or cool your home and cook during outages can count for a lot.

Lastly, in environmental terms, while natural gas home appliances are generally more efficient you can’t switch them to renewable sources in the same way you can electrical devices. Installing solar panels or a heat pump could be less expensive and more eco-friendly options in the long run.

Additional Types of Appliances